Docteur Joseph MONSONEGO
Gynécologie - Colposcopie
Pathologies génitales à papillomavirus

Titres et Travaux
Docteur Joseph MONSONEGO
Président de la commission col-HPV du Collège National des Gynécologues Obstétriciens Français (CNGOF),
Co-directeur de l'Action Coordonnée HPV-ANRS,
Membre de la Commission Territoriale de Paris pour le dépistage organisé du cancer du col de l'utérus.
Directeur de l’Institut du Col,
Président fondateur d'EUROGIN (European Research Organization on Genital Infection and Neoplasia) www.eurogin.com
Ancien Président de la fondation internationale WACC (Women Against Cervical Cancer).
Président d’honneur et fondateur de l’association «1000 femmes1000 vies» www.1000femmes1000vies.com,
Ancien expert consultant sur le cancer à l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (WHO/OMS),
Membre de la Task Force Française sur la Médecine de Précision en Oncologie de l’Institut National du Cancer (InCa), 2018,
Ancien directeur médical de l’Institut Fournier et du centre de colposcopie de la FMP (Union régionale de la Mutualité Francilienne),
Ancien chef de l'unité de dépistage onco-gynécologique et mammaire (Université Paris Nord, Service du Professeur Lucien Israël - Bobigny).
Prise en charge du frottis anormal et de l’infection à papillomavirus
Dépistage et prévention du cancer du col de l’utérus
Colposcopie et traitement des lésions génitales à papillomavirus
Essais cliniques des vaccins anti-HPV
EXPERT CONSULTANT (expertise – enseignement – recherche)
Membre du Comité d’Experts de l’INCa (Institut National du Cancer) pour le dépistage du cancer du col
Membre du Comité de travail et de lecture de l’Agence Nationale pour l’Accréditation et l’Evaluation de Santé - ANAES – HAS
Membre du Conseil d’Administration « es-Qualité » du CRCDC 75
Membre du Comité National d’Hygiène – Ministère de la Santé
Membre du Groupe cancer à l’OMS
Membre du Comité National de la Nomenclature Groupe HPV
Expert à l’Agence Nationale du Médicament
Expert Consultant à la Conférence de Consensus de l’American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology– ASCCP (USA).
Le Docteur Monsonego est Expert Member des Steering Committee et Advisory Board de plusieurs groupes industriels internationaux.
Le Docteur Monsonego a participé à de nombreux Congrès et Conférences internationaux et nationaux. Il est président du Comité scientifique du congrès international annuel EUROGIN (www.eurogin.com)
Human Papillomavirus Genotypes From Vaginal and Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Young Women Garland SM, Joura EA, Ault KA, Bosch FX, Brown DR, Castellsagué X, Ferenczy A, Ferris DG, Giuliano AR, Hernandez-Avila M, Huh WK, Iversen OE, Kjaer SK, Kurman RJ, Luna, Monsonego J, Muñoz N, Paavonen J, Pitisuttihum P, Ronnett BM, Steben M, Stoler MH, Wheeler CM, Wiley DJ, Perez G, Saah AJ, Luxembourg A, Li S, DiNubile MJ, Wagner M, Velicer C. Obst. Gynecol. 2018;132(2):261-270.
Eurogin 2017 Roadmap: Triage strategies for the managment of HPV-positive women in cervical screening programs
Kate Cuschieri , Guglielmo Ronco, Attila Lorincz , Laurie Smith, Gina Ogilvie , Lisa Mirabello, Francesca Carozzi, Heather Cubie, Nicolas Wentzensen, Peter Snijders, Marc Arbyn, J. Monsonego, and Silvia Franceschi Int. J. Cancer 2018 Aug 15;143(4):735-745
·Dépistage du cancer du col utérin : un tournant ?
J. Monsonego Gynécologie Obstétrique Pratique 8 n° 293 - Mars 2017
Is there an increased risk of cancer among spouses of patients with an HPV-related cancer: A systematic review
H. Mirghani, E-M. Sturgis, A. Auperin, J. Monsonego, P. Blanchard 67(2017)138–145
Vaccination HPV dans la vraie vie: dix années d’expérience
J. Monsonego Médecine de la Reproduction ; Gynécologie Endocrinologie 2016;18(1):54-60 doi:10.1684/mte.2016.0590
Eurogin 2016 Roadmap: how HPV knowledge is changing screening practice
N. Wentzensen, M. Arbyn, J. Berkhof, M. Bower, K. Canfell, M. Einstein, Ch. Farley, J. Monsonego, S. Franceschi Int. J. Cancer 2017 May 15;140(10):2192-2200
Profil de sécurité des vaccins papillomavirus : mise au point
J. Monsonego CNGOF 2015​
Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes and associated : risk of cervical precancerous lesions in a large U.S. screening population: Data from the ATHENA trial
J. Monsonego, J. Thomas Cox, C. Behrens, M. Sandri, Eduardo L. Franco, Poh-Sin Yap, W. Huh 2015, YGYNO-975794:8;4C: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ygyno.2015.01.551
Prévalence de l'infection HPV spécifique du génotype chez les femmes en France : implications pour le dépistage et la vaccination.
J. Monsonego, L. Zerat, K. Syrjänen, J.C. Zerat, J.S. Smith, P. Halfon Gynecol. Obst. Fertil. 41, May 2013, 305 313 doi:10.1016/j.gyobfe.2013.03.003
The APTIMA HPV assay versus the hybrid capture 2 test in triage of women with ASC-US or LSIL cervical cytology: A meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy
Arbyn M. Roelens J. Cuschieri K. Cuzick J. Szarewski A. Ratnam S. Reuschenback M. Belinson S. Belinson J.L. Monsonego J. Int. J. Cancer 2013; 132(1):101-8
Human papillomavirus cervical cancer and other human diseases: translating research into practice
Nicol A. F Monsonego J. Future Virol. 2012; 7(12):1153-57
Prevalence of type-specific human papillomavirus infection among women in France: Implications for
Monsonego J. Zerat L. Syrjänen K. Zerat J.-C. Smith J. Halfon P.
EUROGIN 2011 Roadmap on prevention and treatment of HPV-related disease
Arbyn M. Sanjosé S.D. Saraiya M. Sideri M. Palefsky J. Lacey C. Gillison M. Bruni L. Ronco G. Wentzensen N. Brotherton J. Qiao Y.L. Denny L. Bornstein J. Abramowitz L. Giuliano A. Tommasino M. Monsonego J.
Int. J. Cancer June 2012; 131(9):1969–1982
Test HPV et dépistage du cancer du col utérin. Preuves résistances et pratiques nouvelles
Monsonego J Gynécol. Obst. Fertil. 2012; 40(5):269-72
Risk assessment and clinical impact of liquid-based cytology oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and mRNA testing in primary cervical cancer screening (The FASE Study)
Monsonego J. Hudgens M. Zerat L. Zerat J.-C Syrjänen K. Smith J. Oncol. 2012; 125(1):175-80
Perception et impact psychologique du frottis anormal en France. Résultats comparatifs d’une enquête européenne
Monsonego J. Cortes J. Pereira da Silva D. Jorge A.-F. Klein P. Gynécol. Obst. Fertil. 2012; 40(4):213-218
Response to Letter to the Editor by Tsu et al. "Benefits of vaccinating young adult women with a prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus (types 6 11 16 and 18) vaccine "Vaccine 2011; 29(50):9292– 9293
EUROGIN 2010: feuille de route pour la prévention du cancer du col de l’utérus / EUROGIN 2010: roadmap on cervical cancer prevention
Eurogin 2010 roadmap on cervical cancer prevention
Franceschi S. Denny L. Irwin K.L. Jeronimo J. Lopalco P.L. Monsonego J. Peto J. Ronco G. Sasieni P. Wheeler C.M. Int. J. Cancer 2011;
Summary of the EUROGIN 2011 conference: highlighting the recent advances in HPV- related cancers
Nicol A. Monsonego J. Gynecol. Oncol. 2011; 123(2):179-181
Genital infection with HPV in men: research into practice
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obst. Fertil. 2012; 40(5):269-72
Psychological impact support and information needs for women with an abnormal Pap smear: comparative results of a questionnaire in three European countries
Monsonego J. Cortes J. Pereira da Silva D. Jorge A.F. Klein P. BMC Womens Health 2011; 11:18
End-of-study safety immunogenicity and efficacy of quadrivalent HPV (types 6 11 16 18) recombinant vaccine in adult women 24–45 years of age
Castellsagué X. Muñoz N. Pitisuttithum P. Ferris D. Monsonego J. Ault K. Luna J. Myers E. Mallary S. Bautista O.M. Bryan J. Vuocolo S.
Haupt R.M. Saah A. Br. J. Cancer 2011; 105(1):28–37
Civil society: A critical new advocate for vaccination in Europe
Laurent-Ledru V. Thomson A Monsonego J. Vaccine 2011; 29(4):624-8​
Evaluation of oncogenic human papillomavirus RNA and DNA tests with liquid-based cytology in primary cervical cancer screening (The FASE study)
Monsonego J. Hudgens M.G. Zerat L. Zerat J.C. Syrjänen K. Halfon P. Ruiz F. Smith J.S. Int. J. Cancer 2011; 129(3):691-701
Benefits of vaccinating young adult women with a prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus (types 6 11 16 and 18) vaccine
Monsonego J. Cortes J. Greppe C. Hampl M. Joura E. Singer A. Vaccine 2010; 28(51):8065-72
Cancer anal et papillomavirus humains: une pathologie en miroir de celle du cancer du col utérin
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2010; 38(4):250-254
Clinical performance of the APTIMA® HPV Assay for the detection of high-risk HPV and high-grade cervical lesions
Dockter J. Schroder A. Hill C. Guzenski L. Monsonego J. Giachetti J. J. Clin. Virol. 2009; 45(S1):57-63
Safety immunogenicity and efficacy of quadrivalent human papillomavirus (types 6 11 16 18) recombinant vaccine in women aged 24-45 years: a randomised double-blind trial
Muñoz N. Manalastas R. Jr Pitisuttithum P. Tresukosol D. Monsonego J. Ault K. Clavel C. Luna J. Myers E. Hood S. Bautista O. Bryan J.
Taddeo F.-J. Esser M.-T. Vuocolo S. Haupt R.-M. Barr E. Saah A. Lancet 2009; 373(9679):1949-57
EUROGIN 2007 roadmap on cervical cancer prevention
Monsonego J. Vaccine 2008; 26(l):1-3
EUROGIN 2007 patient education conference: sharing experiences and action in cervical cancer prevention – an overview. Part 2
Pagliusi S. Lawson H. Singer A. Monsonego J. Vaccine 2008; 26(l):33-6
The new challenges in the prevention of cervical cancer
Monsonego J. Vaccine 2008; 26(1):4-6
Linear array genotyping and hybrid capture II assay in detecting human papillomavirus genotypes in women referred for colposcopy due to abnormal Papanicolaou smear
Monsonego J. Pollini G. Evrard M.J. Sednaoui P. Monfort L. Quinzat D. Dachez R. Syrjänen K.
Detection of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes among High-Risk Women: A Comparison of Hybrid Capture and Linear Array Tests
Monsonego J. Pollini G. Evrard M.-J. Sednaoui P. Monfort L. Zerat L. Syrjänen K. Sex. Transm. Dis. 2008; 35(5):521-527
Prevention of cervical cancer: screening progress and perspectives
Monsonego J. Presse Méd. 2007; 36(1):92-111
Human papillomavirus prophylactic vaccines: stakes and perspectives
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2007; 35(2):176-7
Current direction in the prevention of cervical cancer
Monsonego J. Eur. J. Gynaecol. Oncol. 2007; 28(6):433-434
P16 (INK4a) immunocytochemistry in liquid-based cytology samples in equivocal Pap smears: added value in management of women with equivocal Pap smear
Monsonego J. Pollini G. Evrard M.-J. Sednaoui P. Monfort L. Quinzat D. Dachez R. Syrjänen K. Acta Cytol. 2007; 51(5):755-66
Prevention of cervical cancer (II): prophylactic HPV vaccination current knowledge practical procedures and new issues
Monsonego J. Presse Méd. 2007; 36(4):640-66
Anogenital warts incidence medical management and costs in women consulting gynaecologists in France
Monsonego J. Breugelmans J.-G. Bouée S. Lafuma A. Bénard S. Rémy V. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2007; 35(2):107-13
Ano-rectal lymphogranuloma venereum: 22 cases reported in a sexually transmitted infections center in Paris
Halioua B. Bohbot J.-M. Monfort L. Nassar N. de Barbeyrac B. Monsonego J. Sednaoui P. Eur. J. Dermatol. 2006; 16(2):177-80
Cervical cancer prevention: the impact of HPV vaccination
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2006; 34(3):189-201
Human papillomavirus testing improves the accuracy of colposcopy in detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Monsonego J. Pintos J. Semaille C. Beumont M. Dachez R. Zerat L. Bianchi A. Franco E. Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer 2006; 16(2):591-8
EUROGIN 2006 expert consensus report – Innovations in cervical cancer prevention: Science practice and actions
Monsonego J. Gynecol. Oncol. 2006; 103:7
HPV infections and cervical cancer prevention. Priorities and new directions. Highlights of EUROGIN 2004 International Expert Meeting Nice France October 21-23 2004
Monsonego J. Gynecol. Oncol. 2006; 96(3):830-9
Performance of the Roche AMPLICOR human papillomavirus (HPV) test in prediction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in women with abnormal PAP smear
Oncol. 2005; 99(1):160-8
Assessment of human papilloma virus (HPV) testing in primary screening for cervical cancer in France
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2005; 33:357-360
Cervical cancer control priorities and new directions
Monsonego J. Bosch F.-X. Coursaget P. Cox J.-T. Franco E. Frazer I. Sankaranarayanan R. Schiller J. Singer A. Wright T.-C. Jr Kinney
W. Meijer C.-J. Linder J. Mc Googan E. Meijer C. Int. J. Cancer 2004; 108(3):329-33
Colposcopy: the value of HPV testing in clinical practice
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2005; 33:357-360
Metaplasia and high grade CIN. Diagnostic difficulties
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2003; 31(3):317-8
A model-based comparison of cost effectiveness of imiquimod versus podophyllotoxin for the treatment of external anogenital warts in France
Lafuma A. Monsonego J. Moyal-Barracco M. Pribil C. Ann. Dermatol. Vénéréol. 2003; 130(8-9):731-6
Infections Génitales à Papillomavirus
Monsonego J. In: Segondy M. (éd.)Infections Virales Sexuellement Transmissibles Elsevier Paris – 2003
Nouvelles approches de prise en charge en colposcopie
Monsonego J. In:AubinF.PrétetJ.-L.MouginC.(éd.)EditionsTec&DocEditionsMédicalesInternationalesParis–2003;p.267-
Apport du test HPV dans le dépistage primaire du cancer du col
Monsonego J. In:BlancB.(éd.)SpringerParis–2005;81-101D. Elia Ed. Privat Toulouse – 2002
EUROGIN 2003 Conference. Facts figures and impact
Monsonego J.Eur. J. Gynaecol. Oncol. 2002; 23(6):487-90
Contribution à l’ouvrage de Judlin P. (éd.): Infections en gynécologie
Monsonego J. In: Chapitre 4: Infections Génitales à Papillomavirus: mise au point et nouveaux concepts et Chapitre 5: Le test HPV en
pratique clinique Editions Masson Paris – 2002
Infections ano-génitales à HPV chez les séropositifs VIH
Monsonego J. BerrebiEd.DoinParis–2001;p.109-
Global challenges of cervical cancer prevention
Monsonego J. Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol. 2001; 28(1):5-13
Techniques and Methods in public health applied
in oncology May Levin F. Clavel F. Monsonego J. Tristant H. Levy L. Bull. Cancer 2001; 88(1):23-34
Liquid-based c2013ytology for primary cervical cancer screening: a multicenter study
ESGO consensus document on cervical cancer screening. European Society of Gyneacological Oncology Patnick J. Monsonego J. De Wolf C. Verbeek A. Bonte J. Agnatis N. De Oliveira C.-F. Dexeus S. Maggino T. Onnis A. Zielinski J. Eur. J. Gynaecol. Oncol. 2001; 22(2):99-101
Global challenges of cervical cancer prevention
Monsonego J. Monsonego J. Autillo-Touati A. Bergeron C. Dachez R. Liaras J. Saurel J. Zerat L. Chatelain P. Mottot C. Br. J. Cancer
2001; 84(3):360-6
Cervico-uterine cytology in liquid media: procedures and results of the ThinPrep Pap Test
Dachez R. Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2000; 28(3):250-3
Identification in humans of HPV-16 E6 and E7 protein epitopes recognized by cytologic T lymphocytes in association with HLA-B18 and determination of the B 18 specific binding motif
Bourgault Villada I. Beneton N. Bony C. Connan F. Monsonego J. Bianchi A. Saiag P. Levy J.-P. Guillet J.-G. Choppi
J. Eur. J.Immunol. 2000; 30(8):2281-9​
Dépistage et prévention du cancer du col: états deslieux et perspectives
Monsonego J. Gynécologie Pratique 2000; 128:12-14
Cervical cancer: the stakes of prevention
Monsonego J. Obstét. Fertil. 2000; 28(11):84-54
Systematic colposcopy for generating overevaluations
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2000; 28 (12):947-9
Local anesthesia of genital mucosa with a lidocaine/prilocaine combination cream before laser therapy of human papillomavirus lesions
Monsonego J. Semaille C. Eur. J. Dermatol. 2000; 10(8):607-10
In response to the article by P. Martel et al. Use of CO2 laser in continuous or pulse mode for accomplishing conization: a propos of 230 cases
Monsonego J. Gynécol. Obstét. Fertil. 2000; 28(12):927-8
The HPV test and clinical practice
Monsonego J. Contracept. Fertil. Sex. 1999; 27(12):811-5
Cervical cancer screening and management new challenges
Monsonego J. Eur. J. Gynaecol. Oncol. 1999; 20(5-6):352-4
Genital Infection and Neoplasia update
Ed. Monsonego J. – EUROGIN Scientific Publications Paris – 1998
Role of macrophages in papillomavirus infections
Bianchi A. Dachez R. Pollini G. Monsonego J. Alonso J.- M. Pathol. Biol. (Paris) 1998; 45(2):165-8
Screening for cancer of the cervix. New realistic and acceptable dispositions but quality remains the necessary counterpart for smears every 3 years
Monsonego J. Presse Méd. 1997; 26(14):668-9
Simultaneous effects of aneuploidy and oncogenic human papillomavirus on histological grade of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Monsonego J. Valensi P. Zerat L. Clavel C. Birembaut P. Br. J. Obstet. Gyneacol. 1997; 104(6):723-7
Papillomavirus et cancer du col de l’utérus
J. Monsonego Médecine Sciences 1997; 12:733-44
Is cervical screening justified in adolescents?
Monsonego J. Barrasso R. Contracept. Fertil. Sex. 1996; 24(2):101-3
Randomised double-blind trial of recombinant interferon – beta for condyloma acuminatum
Monsonego J. Cessot G. Ince S.-E. Galazka A.-R. Abdul-Ahad A.-K. Genitourin. Med. 1996; 72(2):11-4
New developments in cervical cancer screening and prevention. Geneva Switzerland June 17-19 1996. Workshop
Franco E. Syrjänen K. de Wolf C. Patnick J. Fe renczy A. Mc Googan E. Bosch X. Singer A. Munoz N. Meheus A. Monsonego J. Cancer
Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 1996; 5(10):853-6
Dépistage spontané du cancer du col: faits et arguments
Monsonego J. Références en Gynécologie Obstétrique 1995; 3(2):147-162
Cellular and molecular pathogenesis of cancer of the cervix
Monsonego J. Contracept. Fertil. Sex. 1995; 23 (512):731-40
Cervical Neoplasia from Morphology to Molecular Biology
Monsonego J. Ares-SeronoSymposiaRome–1995;p.29-
Colposcopie des précancers et cancers débutants du col utérin
Monsonego J. sous la direction de Buthiaud D. et Dargent D. In: VigotEd.Paris–1993;p.19-2052-
Genital human papillomavirus infections: correlation of cytological colposcopic and histological features with viral types in women and their male partners
Monsonego J. Zerat L. Catalan F. Coscas Y. Int. J. STD AIDS 1993; 4(1):13-20
Role of papillomaviruses in oncobiology of cancers of the cervix uterin and their precursors
Monsonego J. Presse Méd. 1993; 22(10):460-2
DNA content measurement and in situ hybridization in condylomatous cervical lesions
Clavel C. Zerat L. Binninger I. Boutterin M.-C. Polette M. Monsonego J. Biermbaut P. Diagn. Mol. Pathol. 1992; 1(53):180-4​
Estrogen and progesterone receptors in cervical human papillomavirus related lesions
Monsonego J. Magdelenat H. Catalan F. Coscas Y. Zerat L. Sastre X.
Fibrocystic disease of the breast in premenopausal women: Histohormonal correlation and response to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analog treatment
Monsonego J. Destable M.-D. De Saint Florent G. Amouroux J. Kouyoundjian J.-C. Haour F. Breau J.- L. Israel L. Comaru-Schally A.
M. Scahlly A.-V. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1991; 164(5):1181-9
Colposcopie Balanoscopie Microcolposcopie
J. Monsonego sous la direction des Pr. Soutoul et Kamina In: Explorations fonctionnelles en Gynécologie Maloine Ed. Paris – 1991;
p. 54-75.
HPV and co-factors and carcinogenesis of the uterine cervix
J. Monsonego In: Papillomaviruses in human pathology - Recent progress in epidermoid precancers Ed. Monsonego J. Raven Press
New York – 1990; p. 32-48.
Veins and contraception
Reinharez D. Monsonego J. Contracept. Fertil. Sex. 1985; 13(1):131-6
* * * * *
Auteur principal
Prevenire e curare il Papillomavirus. Le speranze di una vaccinazione
Ed. Monsonego J. – Sperling & Kupfer, Milano – 2008
Traité sur les Infections à Papillomavirus
Ed. Monsonego J. – Springer, Paris – 2007
La fin d’un Cancer, les espoirs de la vaccination contre les papillomavirus (livre grand public)
Ed. Monsonego J. – Grasset, Paris – 2007
The end of a cancer, the hopes vested in vaccination against papillomavirus
Ed. Monsonego J. – Eska, Paris – 2007
Emerging Issues on HPV Infections, From Sciences to Practice
Ed. Monsonego J. – Karger, Basel – 2006
Infections à papillomavirus. Etat des connaissances , pratiques et prévention vaccinale
Ed. Monsonego J. – Springer, Paris – 2006
Global Challenge of Cervical Cancer Prevention in Human Papillomavirus and Genital Cancer
Management of anal and genital condylomata acuminata: an update
Ed. Monsonego J. – EUROGIN Scientific Publications, Paris – 2000 (short version, long version)
Global Challenge of Cervical Cancer Prevention: Summary Statements and Consensus Documents - EUROGIN Experts Meeting, 5-9 Avril 2000
Ed. Monsonego J. – EUROGIN Scientific Publications, Paris – 2000
Eurogin 2000
Ed. Monduzzi – Bologna (Italie) – 2000
Ed. Monsonego J. – EUROGIN Scientific Publications, Paris – 2000
Auteur de 2 rapports sur le frottis en monocouche et sur le dépistage HPV à l’ANAES et à l’Institut National d’Hygiène – 1997-1999
Genital Infection and Neoplasia update
Ed. Monsonego J. – EUROGIN Scientific Publications, Paris – 1998
Cervical Cancer Control: EUROGIN - WHO Joint Report
Ed. Monsonego J., Franco E. – EUROGIN Scientific Publications, Paris – mars 1997
New Developments in Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention
Ed. Monsonego J., Franco E. - Blackwell, Oxford – mars 1997
Auteur du rapport sur « Le dépistage du cancer du col en France ». Enquête Nationale– avril 1996
Cervical Cancer Screening: for Whom, Why and How?
Ed. Monsonego J. – EUROGIN Scientific Publications, Paris – 1995 (in French and English).
Papillomavirus in Human Pathology - Precursors and Cancers of Lower Genital Tract Ed. Monsonego J. – Ares Serono Symposia, Rome – novembre 1994
Dysplasies du col utérin et papillomavirus humains
* * * * *
Contribution aux ouvrages
Cervical cancer prevention current perspectives
Monsonego J. In: Sultan C. (ed.)Pediatric and adolescent gynecology – Evidence-base d clinical practice. 2nd revised and extended
edition. Endocr. Dev. Basel, Karger – 2012; vol. 22, p. 222- 229.​
Cytology and Colposcopy in Gynecological Practice
Monsonego J. In:SaraiyaUshaB.andMinielloG.(ed.) Colposcopy of the atypical Transformation Zone Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers Ltd, India – 2009
Infections Génitales à Papillomavirus
Monsonego J. Infections Virales Sexuellement Transmissibles Elsevier, Paris – 2003
Nouvelles approches de prise en charge en colposcopie
Monsonego J. In:AubinF.PrétetJ.L.MouginC.(ed.) Papillomavirus humains, Biologie et pathologie tumorale
Editions Tec & Doc, Editions Médicales Internationales, Paris – 2003; p. 267-283.
Apport du test HPV dans le dépistage primaire du cancer du col
Monsonego J. In:BlancB.(ed.) Le dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus Springer Paris – 2005; 81-101
D. Elia Ed. Privat, Toulouse – 2002
Contribution à l’ouvrage de Judlin P. (ed.): Infections en gynécologie
Monsonego J. In: Chapitre 4: Infections Génitales à Papillomavirus: mise au point et nouveaux concepts, et Chapitre 5: Le test HPV en
pratique clinique Editions Masson, Paris – 2002
Infections ano-génitales à HPV chez les séropositifs VIH
Monsonego J. BerrebiEd.Doin,Paris–2001;p.109-
Spontaneous Screening: Benefits and Limitations Monsonego J.
In: Franco E., Monsonego J. (ed.) New Developments in Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention Blackwell Oxford, UK – 1997;
p. 220.
Cervical Neoplasia from Morphology to Molecular Biology Monsonego J.
In: Monsonego J. (ed.) Papillomavirus in human pathology Ares-Serono Symposia, Rome – 1995; p. 29-53.
Cervical Lesions Treated by the Loop Electrosurgical Excision, Procedure: Advantages and Limitations
Monsonego J., Valensi P. and Zerat L. In: Monsonego J. (ed.) Papillomavirus in human pathology Ares-Serono Symposia, Rome –
1995; p. 307-316.
Dépistage spontané du cancer du col: faits et arguments - Conférence de Consensus d'Experts Monsonego J. In: Monsonego J. (ed.) Dépistage du cancer du col, pour qui, pourquoi et comment ?
EUROGIN Scientific Publications, Paris – 1995; p. 3 4-47.
Colposcopie des précancers et cancers débutants du col utérin
Monsonego J. sous la direction de Buthiaud D. et Dargent D. In: Vigot Ed., Paris – 1993; p. 19-20, 52-53.
Papillomavirus (HPV), Co-Factores y carcinogenesis del cuello unterino
Monsonego J. In:,, p. 369-391.
Infections ano-génitales à papillomavirus humains Monsonego J. sous la direction de Siboulet A.
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Date de dernière mise à jour : mardi 30 juin 2020